THWARTED in its attempt to deliver high speed broadband to Port Franklin via a fixed wireless facility in its chosen location of Mattsons Road, the National Broadband Network Company (NBN […]
PEOPLE living in rural areas around Foster are set to benefit shortly from the rollout of fast broadband. Construction of NBN Co’s fixed wireless network has just commenced in eleven […]
OVER 800 homes and businesses in the vicinity of Toora, Toora North, Welshpool, Bena and Loch are a step closer to connecting to high-speed broadband services. Following a thorough planning […]
NOTHING could have been more apt than to celebrate the official launch of Fish Creek’s free public Wi-Fi with a morning tea party, complete with several teapots adorned in their own […]
FISH Creek central business district’s keenly-anticipated free public Wi-Fi is up and running at last, at least in part, with a good signal available within a 40- to 50-metre radius […]
FISH Creek’s keenly-awaited public WiFi hub, that was intended to be “all up by Christmas”, is coming soon after a series of unexpected glitches has been overcome. Bad weather, illness, […]
A HUB supplying free WiFi throughout Fish Creek’s central business district will be “all up by Christmas”, according to Fish Creek Tea Cosy Festival Committee president Marge Arnup and technologically […]
Monthly average losses to NBN scams almost triple in 2019 17 June 2019 Australians are losing more money to NBN scams, with reported losses in 2019 already higher than the […]
A NEW school term means that Manna Gum Community House has geared up to offer 10 weeks of interesting and exciting workshops and courses. 2016 is the ‘National Year […]
AS THE rollout of fixed wireless technology continues, more and more regional Australians are connecting to the National Broadband Network, relishing the opportunity to access reliable broadband at dizzyingly high […]
Available most days and sometimes on the weekends. I am a licenced cabling and security installer and I install: Digital TV and FM antennas TV’s and Home Theatre Wall Mounts and […]
COASTAL communities have been exploring with South Gippsland Shire Council the impact of seasonal population explosions. “Council wants to be on the front foot,” said social planning officer Vicki Bradley, […]
AFTER much lobbying by the Sandy Point Community Group, this active ‘advocacy group’ has received word that Telstra is now committed to making some significant improvements to the communications infrastructure […]
Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull reiterated the importance of the National Broadband Network (NBN) for regional and rural Australia in an address to the NBN Rebooted conference in Sydney last week: […]
AT LAST Wednesday’s council meeting, Cr Don Hill enthused about the Quarterly Performance Report April to June 2014, declaring it was an example of “best practice” and “total transparency in […]
THE retuning of some free-to-air TV channels across Australia to different frequencies has been taking place on various dates in the last few months, with Foster set to retune today […]
SOME TV channels are changing their frequency as the final step in the move to digital-only TV. You’ll need to retune your TV, set-top box or digital recorder when these […]
Wireless broadband NBN rollout statuses Foster rollout status Toora rollout status Posts with the keyword ‘Broadband’ Checkout the NBN Co. website We hope to be supplementing this page with more […]
THERE has been victory for the common man – and commonsense – in the battle over a site for a telecommunications facility at Port Franklin. That, at least, is how […]
I came across this page on the iiNet website which I thought explains the National Broadband Network quite well. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with iiNet what so ever. All […]
RESIDENTS of Yanakie and Port Franklin are a step closer to receiving a high-speed fixed wireless internet service through the National Broadband Network, with South Gippsland Shire Council granting planning […]
ELEVENTH hour concessions from NBN Co appear to have allowed a compromise in the bitter battle over the positioning of telecommunications facilities at Fish Creek and Yanakie to deliver a […]
RUMBLES of discontent are rising to a crescendo across South Gippsland as more and more communities express dissatisfaction with what they see as a flawed consultation process for the roll-out […]
HIGH speed broadband is all very well, say Fish Creek father and son Peter and Michael Thomson, but they can’t help wondering why they have not been consulted about NBN […]
TOWERS to bring a fixed wireless high-speed broadband to communities with low population density in South Gippsland are at various stages of development. Subject to final planning and other approvals, […]
THE first Chris Richter heard of a proposal to construct a 40 metre monopole at Port Franklin to provide access to fixed wireless high-speed broadband was an article in ‘The […]
AT LEAST thirteen new poles measuring upwards of 30 metres (about nine storeys) are expected to be constructed across the local landscape in the next year or so in order […]
PROGRESS is powering ahead on an alternative heavy vehicle route through Leongatha. Construction will begin shortly on an extension of the Great Southern Rail Trail from Foster to Welshpool. Construction […]
As far as I know the Foster has the fibre optic cable already linked to the Telstra exchange. Now, how long it will take ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) to make […]
GREAT news for South Gippsland Shire has come as a result of the meetings on Tuesday May 31 between the Mayor Cr Warren Raabe (accompanied by Chief Executive Officer Tim […]
THE sitting local member, Liberal Russell Broadbent, has been returned to McMillan, but the overall result of the federal election held last Saturday remains in limbo. With neither of the […]
In emergency dial: 000 Current incident and fire restriction information Contact the Victorian Bushfire Information Line (VBIL) on 1800 240 667 or go to the Vic Emergency website for all current CFA & […]