Rural living

South Gippsland Planning Scheme

If you are planning to build and looking to apply for a planning permit in South Gippsland, you will find this page useful. It provides links to the relevant South Gippsland Planning Scheme documents from the state Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) who’s local office is at Traralgon:

Department of Planning and Community Development
71 Hotham Street
Traralgon Vic 3844
1300 366 356
03 5172 2533

A planning permit is subject to these documents found at the South Gippsland Planning Scheme.

See also: Rural Strategy finally incorporated into the planning scheme

22.08 Rural dwellings policy

Policy basis

This policy applies to applications for the use and development of dwellings in the Farming

This policy applies to applications for the use and development of dwellings in the Farming Zone. Policy basis South Gippsland Shire contains some of the most productive agricultural areas in Victoria and provides a substantial proportion of Victoria’s milk as well as beef, prime lamb and vegetables. Agriculture and its associated processing and service industry underpin the Shire’s economy. The future outlook for agriculture in the Shire is strong with the advantages of high rainfall, soil and land types suited to producing a wide range of agricultural commodities. With issues of climate change and water scarcity at hand, there is likely to be increasing demand for the Shire’s high quality agricultural land from producers in less fertile areas. Existing farming activities in the Shire will need to have the capacity to grow and expand and will require access to affordable land unencumbered by unwanted infrastructure.

The settlement and subdivision history of the Shire has left a legacy of small lots scattered amongst larger farming lots. There are approximately 12,000 lots in the Farming Zone, including a large number of small lots in old Crown Townships and remnant vacant lots arising from early subdivisions. These lots are often isolated, or in strips along road sides and surrounded by agricultural uses. Multi-lot farms (tenements) are the most common structure of land tenure in the Shire, with commercially viable production areas being formed by the aggregation of smaller lots.

The Shire’s significant environmental and landscape assets make the area attractive for rural residential lifestyles. The northern and western areas of the Shire are particularly popular for rural living, primarily due to the proximity to Melbourne and the area’s attractive pastoral and forested landscapes. There is a significant level of ad hoc rural lifestyle development already in the rural areas of the Shire. The conversion of agricultural land into rural residential land use activities results in a net loss to agriculture due to permanent land use changes. In the absence of a planned approach to rural residential development, detrimental impacts on the landscape, environmental and agricultural values of the Shire may arise.

Schedule to the Farming Zone

Farming Zone overlay

  • 35.07-5 Application requirements for dwellings
    An application to use a lot for a dwelling must be accompanied by a written statement which explains how the proposed dwelling responds to the decision guidelines for dwellings in the zone.
Rural Activity Zone policy


19/01/2006 VC37

  • To balance the present and future interests of all Victorians.

More contact details

South Gippsland Shire Council
9 Smith Street, Leongatha 3953, Australia
Ph. 03 5662 9271

Council planning officers dealing with planning permit applications
(Staff regularly change so use this as a guide only)

Phil Stone – Director Development Services – overlooking the C51 implementation and effects
Paul Stampton – Head of Planning
Chris Wightman – Manager for planning and building
Eldon Sawyers – Planning officer
Dale Constable – Planning officer