The Mirror News

Transport group lobbies for improved service

IF THE South West Gippsland Transport Group has its way, there could soon be a vastly improved public transport service on the region’s roads.

The transport lobby group is awaiting a response from the Deputy Premier and Member for Gippsland South, Peter Ryan, having put a submission into his office on October 24.

“We would like to see the service between Leongatha and Melbourne increase from eight to fourteen buses on weekdays,” said SWGTG member Max Semken. “That’s six to go to Pakenham and eight to go directly to Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station.”

The group is also asking for an increase in the weekend service between Melbourne and Leongatha, from four to ten runs a day.

SWGTG would like to see a further three buses each day between Leongatha and Foster, taking the number on that route to ten, and it is asking for six buses to run seven days a week between Foster and Sale.

“That would be a first for that particular route. It would open up the whole region. For the first time, you would be able to travel from Sale to Cowes by public transport,” said Mr Semken.

He said the group has also asked for an increase of services up to Traralgon from Yarram.

“Public transport is not a privilege, it’s a right,” said Mr Semken firmly.


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