

This tag has 13 posts
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NBN benefits regional centres, but rural Australia is still left wanting


Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull reiterated the importance of the National Broadband Network (NBN) for regional and rural Australia in an address to the NBN Rebooted conference in Sydney last week: […]

NBN explained

NBN explained by iiNet

I came across this page on the iiNet website which I thought explains the National Broadband Network quite well. Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with iiNet what so ever. All […]

Compromise reached over NBN pole positions

ELEVENTH hour concessions from NBN Co appear to have allowed a compromise in the bitter battle over the positioning of telecommunications facilities at Fish Creek and Yanakie to deliver a […]

Something Fishy about NBN tower proposal

HIGH speed broadband is all very well, say Fish Creek father and son Peter and Michael Thomson, but they can’t help wondering why they have not been consulted about NBN […]

NBN tower site proposed for Fish Creek

TOWERS to bring a fixed wireless high-speed broadband to communities with low population density in South Gippsland are at various stages of development. Subject to final planning and other approvals, […]

Lack of consultation leaves community with towering objections

THE first Chris Richter heard of a proposal to construct a 40 metre monopole at Port Franklin to provide access to fixed wireless high-speed broadband was an article in ‘The […]

Poles the price of progress

AT LEAST thirteen new poles measuring upwards of 30 metres (about nine storeys) are expected to be constructed across the local landscape in the next year or so in order […]

NBN rollout getting closer

As far as I know the Foster has the fibre optic cable already linked to the Telstra exchange. Now, how long it will take ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) to make […]

Sandy Point community website live

Sandy Point beach

On 23 December the Sandy Point Community Group launched the Sandy Point Community website. There you will find news and descriptions of local projects.

Down and out

FURIOUS Foster business owners are vowing to seek compensation from Telstra following the sudden and prolonged loss of their internet service. The internet went down without warning at about two […]

foster.vic.au – a welcome website

THE brand new website foster.vic.au is already attracting interest, reportedly from as far away as the Congo! The Foster Chamber of Commerce and Industry has built the website, which features […]

Improved public computer/internet at Toora

TOORA’S public access internet computer has a new flat screen monitor, a new desk, a new office chair and a new location that is open extra hours! For anyone without […]

Manna Gum Community House

Manna Gum Community House (formerly Foster and District Community House and Learning Centres Inc) is a not-for-profit organisation run by a community-based Committee of Management.  We offer a range of […]
