The Foster Community Association has received funding to develop a plan to beautify and make safe Foster’s three town centre pedestrian laneways, to provide attractive, inviting spaces where people can gather, rest and take in the passing parade in all weather conditions. It is anticipated that at least two of the laneways could be covered to provide all-weather access.
The project results from our last Planning for Real® exercise held on Election Day in 2010, where the community overwhelmingly supported the beautification of Foster’s town centre.
The three laneways are:
- From Kaffir Hill Carpark to Foster town centre (between IGA supermarket and Foster Fresh Seafood
- Between Mitre 10 and Skyes Cafe
- Next to Paragreen Real Estate
As this is a community effort, we invited everyone from locals to visitors to participate in a community survey to give us as many opinions as possible. The survey is now closed, but the response was fantastic, so if you participated, thanks for sharing your ideas.
The designers plan to present their early concepts at the next Foster Community Association meeting on the third Monday in June (June 16) at 7.30 pm in the Community Health Centre, Station Road, Foster.

Proposals to improve this walkway were first put forward in the 1999 Streetlife Concept Plan, and again in Foster’s Streetscape Strategy of 2012.