The Mirror News

Present strategy working

• Local identity Paul Ahern (enjoying?) attending the Respiratory Clinic and having a sample taken by Dr Phil Worboys. Sampling for COVID-19 is a simple, free and quick exercise. We applaud and thank all those that present early for testing. At the first sign of cough, runny nose, fever, sweats, sore throat, shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell, ring the Medical Centre and you will be triaged to the Respiratory Clinic. 

Foster and Toora Medical Centres

A FRIEND said that life is a little in grey monochrome at present. It certainly is. The colour and vibrancy of normal life is harder to find and we are only half way through this lockdown. 

On the positive is the fact that at present the strategy seems to be working and certainly the numbers are encouraging. It is hard to look too far ahead though and we remain well aware that the narrative can change in an instant.

The presentations in the Respiratory Clinic have fallen these past 2 weeks, in line with what is being experienced around the state. There are probably multiple reasons for this including the fact that, with masks and social distancing, viral infections in general (such as those causing the common cold) are a lot less numerous this year. Our message remains the same; get tested early for any of the now-well-known symptoms. Although it is easy to get complacent when the incidence of COVID-19 in our area seems so low, it is only through testing that we will ever catch it early and have a chance of limiting its effect in our local community.

We have mentioned it before and it is worth highlighting again; be aware of the effect these uncertain and unsociable times are having on your mental health. And on people you care about. Please seek help if needed. 

South Gippsland Hospital

WE are approximately  half way through the Stage 3 restrictions. The news from Melbourne continues to improve and the number of active cases in our shire has declined to very low numbers. Once again thank you for all your compliance with the public health directions in the community, and for the support and understanding shown regarding the restricted and conditional hospital entry requirements.   

During these challenging times , it is important to care for ourselves as well as others. There are many self care tips out there to support your wellbeing, and a good place to get some local tips is on the South Coast Primary and Community Partnership website at The Department of Health and Human Services website provides clear guidance on what is permitted in public regional spaces under the Stage 3 restrictions. In the sport and exercise section it states that reading a book, practicing a musical instrument, having a picnic (with one other person), or doing yoga in a park is allowed. So as spring approaches, keep this in mind – specific details are found at

Please familiarise yourself with the symptoms of COVID-19, looking out for these in yourself, and also within family and friends. The symptoms include fever, chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, and loss of sense of smell or taste. If you have even the slightest hint of being unwell, please stay at home until you can organise to be tested.

Our Urgent Care Centre is not a respiratory clinic as testing is available at the Foster Medical Centre Monday to Friday (Ph: 5682 2088). Other clinics operate at the Gippsland Southern Health Service – Leongatha  (8.30am – 4.00pm Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays), and the Wonthaggi Hospital (10am-5pm, weekends).

We thank you for your understanding during these times and apologise for any inconvenience. The health of our community, patients, visitors and staff is our biggest priority during the COVID-19 pandemic

Prom Country Aged Care 

THE COVID-19 horizon is looking a little more positive since our last update. Cases both in the community and aged care have stabilised and are reducing slowly. 

Whilst there is some light on the horizon, we still need to be vigilant in complying with the stage 3 restrictions in our area. 

Compliance fatigue is our new worry with people becoming tired of the restrictions and slowly creeping back to old habits of not socially distancing (as we have masks on), visiting non-household friends and families (we don’t know anyone who has it and its only 1 visit) and even stopping for a chat down the street (from a distance).   It only takes one unsuspecting movement to pass the virus on and potentially bring it into the facility. 

So please comply with the stage 3 restrictions of essential travel only and the no visitor rules for a little longer. It is inconvenient and frustrating however extremely necessary so we can beat this. 

PCAC continues to have no cases amongst our residents, staff, contractors or visiting medical professionals.  

PCAC continues with restricted movements into the facility until the 13th September in line with the State of Disaster restrictions.  We are still allowing visitors for essential care needs and palliative visits and thank all families and friends for significantly reducing face to face visits over the last 3 weeks. 

If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to book a potential visit please call 5682 0800.


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