Front L-R Jen Young, Jan Bull, and Rebecca Matthews.
DIRECTORS and Board Members of Corner Inlet College are working towards school registration with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA). Independent school applications will meet minimum standards of good governance, strong financial management, effective curriculum, sound teaching practice and a safe environment for children.
After exploring various public and private locations in the region, the board were fortunate to secure a central site which provides security to the not-for-profit entity. The picturesque setting is close to intertidal wetlands, and the agricultural opportunities provided by the site are expected to deliver excellent outcomes. Research demonstrates that learning in, and with, the natural environment develops a connection to place; a protective factor providing lasting benefits in terms of mental health.
Corner Inlet College’s philosophy is based on equality of educational opportunities. Low school fees will ensure greater accessibility. Company Director, Jan Bull said “our teaching and learning model is designed to cater for each individual’s needs. Each young person has different goals and therefore ‘success’ will look different for each student”.
Jan Bull has a lifetime of experience in the education and training sector. Jan’s strong governance capability is very familiar to the local community. “The board brings together a great team, with a focus on experience, integrity, and connection to community”, said Jan. Corner Inlet College is encouraged by the success of independent schools such as Village High School, Woodline and Woodleigh Schools.
Founder and Board Chair, Jen Young, brings teaching and principal experience to the new leadership role. Prior to establishing the college, Jen lectured in the university sector, and has worked closely with the next generation of teachers. Her Masters of Educational Leadership brings teaching methods proven successful across international education systems.
Corner Inlet College will deliver the Victorian Curriculum and grow to teach VCE and VCE-VM. The college anticipates most students will travel to school using a private bus route, and the catchment extends from Yarram, Mirboo North, Walkerville, to Leongatha. “Families are grateful for the opportunity to have an educational alternative closer to home” said Board Chair, Jen Young.
The board are awaiting a decision on the planning permit, currently under review by the Minister for Planning. Delays to planning are common and often new school applicants are asked to re-apply the following year. Although the intention is to open in 2024 with year 7 and 8, the construction and operation of the school is pending VRQA registration, and a 2025 commencement is a possibility. Families will be informed of the outcome of the VRQA process and invited to attend a family information session later in the year. Prospective families, as well as teachers and learning assistants, are encourage to get in touchvia www.cornerinletcollege.org.
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