The Mirror News


AFTER leaving school at the end of 1974 and commencing as an apprentice printer at South Gippsland Publishing Co. under the then owners Geoff and Irma Esler on January 27, 1975, and subsequently buying the business in August 1989 from Brendon Baker, current owners Rob (Rab) and Jenny Best have simply had enough and want to pass the baton on to someone else.

Unofficially the business has been for sale for some time, but the time has come now for a change in pace after being involved with the last 2,400 editions of The Mirror, 1700 as editor.

In simple terms Rab has had enough!

Producing a weekly newspaper is time consuming, it is more than a hobby which some people in the past think it might be. Yes some things have become a lot easier with the digital age, but there is still deadlines to meet each week which in the end has taken its toll.

We know how important the “local” is to many people in the Corner Inlet district, and we are proud that The Mirror has been here for 133 years. We were the only local paper who kept going during those dark COVID times to keep everyone informed about what was happening.

We hope there is someone out there who would like to take over The Mirror, if you are interested please call 0408 375 813 and have a talk to Rab. Genuine offers only.

Don’t leave it too long though – the future doesn’t wait for everyone!


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