MORE than 1000 entries have come in for the 112th Foster and District Agricultural Show to be held at the Foster Showgrounds this Saturday February 22, 2020.
And, if the great jump in the number of entries received for home, garden and farm produce and handcrafts is any indication, the Exhibit Shed will be even more densely packed than usual with magnificent examples of just how talented local people are!
Foster and District Agricultural Society secretary Denia Gilheany suspects waiving all of the Exhibit Shed sections’ entry fees this year may have had a little to do with the increase, but she also credits a refreshing resurgence of interest in country shows in general.
“There are really pleasing levels of entries for nearly every section and class at the 2020 Foster Show,” she said.
“We’ve had very good support from competitors for the various livestock events like equestrian, dairy and beef cattle, poultry and working dogs, and also for the photography, floral art and the children’s sections that will be on display in the Pavilion.
“Being able to enter online via the Society’s website at www.fostershow.com as well as by email and on the traditional paper entry forms found in the schedule all seem to have made a difference, too.”
Celebrating Foster’s 150 years
The theme of the 2020 Show is “celebrating 150 years of Foster” as the town and surrounding district mark the century and a half that has passed since 1870 when “worthwhile” gold was discovered in Stockyard Creek and Foster was founded.
The Show itself is Foster 150’s feature event for February during a whole year’s worth of sesquicentenary highlights and activities.
A new attraction with a local historical flavour designed especially for children at this year’s Show is the Golden Brick Road, an exciting treasure trail of adventure winding throughout the Foster Showgrounds.
Be early to collect the Golden Brick Road question sheet and map at the Showgrounds’ gates, find the answers in order and learn some amazing things along the way to be eligible for one of the limited-edition GBR showbags as a fitting reward!
Grown-up show goers will be invited to swap a gold coin for a raffle ticket as they come in through the gates for a chance to win a wonderful prize such as a Wilsons Prom cruise for two with Pennicott Wilderness Journeys or a Gurneys Cidery pack.
All proceeds from the gate raffle will be going towards the 2021 Foster and District Agricultural Show’s coffers.
Plenty of fun for kids
Plenty of fun for kids is guaranteed at the 2020 Foster Show, ranging from Felix the Magician’s remarkable tricks, thrilling rides, Sideshow Alley and the showbag stalls to the menagerie of beautiful babies in the Animal Nursery.
Those young people with a passion for construction and engineering won’t want to miss Bricks 4 Kidz, a trailer full of Lego together with an expert or two to help and advise on how to “build awesome creations”.
The Pet Parade is always popular with spectators and this year’s event is open to all pets both largeish and small (though no horses, ponies, cattle, elephants or similar, please) together with their owners both large and small.
A special class, for the best pet in fancy dress will be even more hilarious should all of the handlers be dressed up too, to match!
Check out the Pet Parade’s classes in the 2020 Foster Show schedule, enter on Show Day and be ready to parade from 1.30 pm in front of the Geoff McCraw Stand.
Foster Show Future Ambassadors in three age groups; four to eight years, nine to 12 years and from 13 to 15 years, may enter for free at the show secretary’s office by 10.15 am on Show Day.
The Phillipsons Dog High Jump for small dogs under 60 centimetres in height and for large dogs over 60 centimetres is conducted in front of the Geoff McCraw Stand and starts at 12.30 pm.
The winner of each class may be eligible to compete at the State Finals in Ballarat in November.
Wood Chopping returns
Competitive wood chopping returns to the Foster Show this year, courtesy of the South and Central Gippsland Axemen’s Association.
Sponsored by the Bendigo Bank’s Toora and District Community Bank Branch and the Foster Branch, the high-speed axe action starts at 10.30 am.
Wood chop events include novice and open standing block and underhand, along with double-handed sawing and a two-man underhand.
Women sheaf tossers wanted
All women with powerful arms and strong throwing action are wanted to have a go and compete in the inaugural women’s sheaf tossing event at the 2020 Foster Show.
With some of the best prizemoney on offer at this year’s show and no entry fees, all competitors both male and female, novice and open, are assured they will have a lot of fun and entertain the crowd, and maybe even win some extra cash and a handsome sash.
The 2020 sheaf tossing competition is sponsored by Alberton Timber, Foster Garden and Gravel, WFI Insurance, O’Connell Motors, Prom Coast Travel in Foster and the Welshpool Hotel, with the sashes sponsored by Cream Valley Produce of Meeniyan.
For more information contact John Sagasser on 5682 2321 or 0428 847 199.
On Farm Challenge winners
The winners of the 2020 Foster Show’s on farm challenge winners will be announced on Show Day.
The judging of the entries received for the South Gippsland Silage Quality Competition sponsored by Cervus of Leongatha has already been completed.
The best five silage samples will be on display in the Avenue of Agriculture and the producer of the best silage will be proclaimed at 12.30 pm.
The winners of the 2020 Foster Show commercial on farm dairy cow challenge will also be revealed on Show Day at 11 am in the Basketball Stadium.
The dairy cow challenge sponsors include Gippsland Veterinary Group, Storr Transport of Toora, Victorian Livestock Exchange of Leongatha, Cervus of Leongatha, HiCo Korumburra and Homebush Pastoral Pty Ltd.
The champion and people’s choice winners in the Foster Show hay bale art competition, sponsored by Integrated Packaging, will also be made known.
All entries may be seen on the Foster and District Agricultural Society Inc.’s Facebook page @fosteragshow
Live music
The 2020 Foster Show has secured a marvellous line-up of musicians to perform on the Aherns Fruit Market truck stage on Show Day.
Legendary chanteuse and guitarist Fiona Curram of Foster performs from 10 am, followed by Port Albert’s talented Elixir Blues with her slide guitar and her driving, energetic rhythms at 11 am.
The Grand Ole Factory Band will play two sets between 12 noon and 2 pm.
Admission fees
General admission gates open for the 112th Foster and District Agricultural Show at 8.30 am to be held at the Foster Showgrounds in Station Road and close at 4.30 pm.
Admission fees are $20 for a family ticket, $10 for an adult, concession $5 and children $2.
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