• Dale Banks, Acting Principal of Fish Creek & District Primary School is grateful to the Foster Rotary Club for their generosity in funding the purchase of café blinds to create an indoor/outdoor learning area.
THE installation of a school crossing outside Fish Creek & District Primary School is another step closer.
“It’s not 100 per cent certain, but it has progressed a lot further, with the final plans have been completed by South Gippsland Shire Council and approved by VicRoads,” said Acting Principal Dale Banks.
He explained that the plan for the school crossing has taken everything into consideration, such as the requirement of parking for the Mobile Library. If the crossing goes ahead, a power box will be installed to provide power for the Mobile Library which and improvements made to parking arrangements.
“The next step after VicRoads is to apply to TAC for funding. Applications close in mid August but of course it is not guaranteed that the application will be successful. But we feel hopeful,” Dale said.
The school has also been hopeful for quite some time for funds to enable the installation of café blinds to provide the veranda outside the junior area with protection from the elements.
Foster Rotary Club came to the party, with funding by way of a raffle and the huge outdoor blinds now enable the area to be used year-round.
“Come rain or shine, this indoor/outdoor room can be utilised as a learning space as well as a dry, shady place to enjoy lunch. It’s tremendous to have it; it’s another classroom,” Dale said, adding that the school is very grateful to the Foster Rotary Club members for their generosity.
Dale has now been in the role of Acting Principal at the school since May and is pleased that his tenure is looking to be a little more long term than was originally expected. He will be continuing in the role until at least the end of the year.
“I’m really enjoying it. It’s a great community, and to be working here where I attended primary school in 1988/89 while living at Waratah Bay is really interesting – there are students here who are the children of some of my fellow classmates from those years,” Dale said.
“Stepping in to this position was made very easy by the former acting principal, Wendy Vitols. She did a fantastic job and made the transition for myself and the students seamless!” he said.
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