The Mirror News

Progress on channel for Toora Boat Ramp

THE publication of a public notice in this week’s Mirror signals that a measure of progress has been made in the long, involved process to get all-tide access for small boats to and from the boat ramp at Toora.

In the advertisement, South Gippsland Shire Council gives notice that it is proposing to carry out maintenance dredging in the channel connecting the boat ramp to the Toora Channel in Corner Inlet.

The notice explains that the proposed action is a controlled action under the EPBC Act. The controlling provisions are listed threatened species and communities, listed migratory species and wetlands of international (RAMSAR-listed) importance.

The shire’s Director Infrastructure, Anthony Seabrook, told The Mirror that Council has prepared documentation for the relevant federal government department – the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water Population and Communities.

“These documents include studies on the Orange Bellied Parrot, Dwarf Galaxias [fish] and the Australian Grayling [fish],” said Mr Seabrook.

Documentation relating to the proposal, titled ‘Preliminary Document for Toora Boat Ramp Channel Maintenance Dredging,’ has now gone on public display and will remain on display until December 7 at South Gippsland Shire Council, the State Library of Victoria, and the Resources Library of DSEWPaC in Canberra. The documents can also be viewed on the shire website at

Individuals and organisations are invited to comment in writing on the preliminary documentation. Comments must be received by close of business on December 7, 2011 and should be sent to the Chief Executive Officer, South Gippsland Shire Council, Private Bag 4, Leongatha 3953. Any queries should be directed to the shire’s projects manager, Tony Price, tel. 5662 9301.


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