Windsurfing South Gippsland at Shallow Inlet – just 25 minutes from Foster – is renowned as a hot spot for wind surfers and is where attempts are made at the world speed record for sailing craft. It is regarded as the world’s finest natural speed course, filling the first 4 places in the GPS Rankings. So go Windsurfing South Gippsland.

This photo was taken by Tom Chalko in 2009. Antoine Albeau holds the outright sailing world record of 49.09 over 500 metres - the fastest ever recorded windsurfer.
The Inlet offers several speed courses, and according to Windsurfing Victoria, for general windsurfing the best wind direction is WSW-SW, but it works on just about any breeze. W-WNW is the least favourable.
Waratah Bay offers a range of superb wavesailing spots. There are miles of beachbreaks, with no rocks or reefs anywhere. It works best on SE-S, and NW-NE breezes – favoured launch areas are opposite the Sandy Point general store, Ned’s Lookout, or 1st carpark approaching Waratah Bay township.
Shallow Inlet VIC
Waratah Bay VIC 3959