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Wilsons Prom closed

Parks Victoria Update

Labour Day long weekend Park Closures

Visitor safety is one of Parks Victoria’s highest priorities and parks affected by fires will be closed to protect the public and our staff.

Due to the severe weather conditions over the past week, there are a number of fires burning across the state and has resulted in Park closures.

With the long weekend approaching, it’s important to make visitors aware that a number of park closures are in place, including Wilsons Promontory National Park, Morwell National Park, Avon Wilderness park, Howqua Historia Area and sections of the Alpine National Park (Alpine closures highlighted on the attached map).  

Visitors who have pre-booked campsites and accommodation will receive an automatic refund when a park is closed.

Parks Victoria would like to remind all stakeholders to stay informed using the Vic Emergency website and highly recommend you to download the Vic Emergency phone app to remain safe as they travel across the state.

Bushfire preparedness and safety is the responsibility of all Victorians. Please use the information in this email to stay informed and safe within our parks.

For further information please contact 13 1963 or visit 

Conditions can change in parks for many reasons. Check for any changes affecting the park you intend to visit by going directly to the park page


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