Foster Amateur Music & Drama Association’s esteemed Life Member, musical director, friend and mentor Paddy Broberg passed away 1 October 2020 following a long battle with cancer. Paddy died peacefully surrounded by her family at home on Phillip Island.
Paddy’s funeral will be held on Thursday 8th October at 2.00 p.m. and will be live-streamed. A link to the live-streaming will appear on the Handley & Anderson website prior to the day of the funeral.
Paddy’s professional career as teacher, university lecturer and arts practitioner spanned more than thirty years. Her main areas of expertise were music, dance, literature and interdisciplinary arts, particularly music theatre, ranging from revues to opera. Special musical interests included composing and arranging, accompanying and choral direction.
Fortunately Paddy and her husband, Norm, decided to retire in Foster and South Gippsland became the beneficiary of her expertise when she joined FAMDA in 1995 as joint musical director of The Music Man.
She was a performer in Chinamen in Cabaret, and musical director of the award winning productions of Annie and Oliver!, and of the 2004 Music Hall. In 2006 she was a cast member in Oedipus Rex and arranger and musical director for Ebenezer’s Dream.
She composed the musical score for the multi-arts project Fire Up!, original songs for Edwin Coad’s one-act musical, Open Call, and Paul Hendry’s pantomime, Twisted Tales from the Woods.
Paddy was the musical director of the Prom Coast Singers from its inception in 1998 until 2013. She introduced the choir to many and varied works from the choral repertoire, ranging from simple rounds to major works such as Fauré’s Requiem, and covering songs and musical styles from many different countries, both past and contemporary.
Paddy was awarded life membership of FAMDA in 2007.
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