The Mirror News

Shire issues permit for Korumburra truck stop

SOUTH Gippsland Shire Council has issued a planning permit for a truck stop service station on the western side of Leongatha Road at Korumburra, which is a section of the South Gippsland Highway.

The permit allows the “use and development” of the service station with truck stop facilities, a convenience store and three food outlets, including a takeaway drive-through, on a currently vacant 1.3-hectare site.

The development would also include truck and car parking, showers and a lounge area for truck drivers, electric vehicle charging stations, bicycle racks, and indigenous vegetation garden beds and screening.

The applicant, Claremont Project Management, wants to develop the block of Mixed Use-zoned land, located south-east of the Korumburra town centre and flanked by a rural supplies store on one side and a commercial plant nursery on the other.

Directly opposite the site, on the eastern side of Leongatha Road, are residential properties.

The council backed the proposal for the service station and issued a Notice of Decision to grant a planning permit at the open ordinary meeting held on Wednesday March 15, 2023.

The Notice of Decision was not appealed at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT), which was a possible outcome following the March council meeting, and so the actual planning permit was subsequently issued.

A Shire spokesperson said that “currently there are no endorsed plans as Council has not received the updated plans required at condition 1 on the permit.”

The original application sought planning permission for a 24-hour/7-day service station.

However the planning permit has 35 conditions, including limiting the development’s trading hours to between 6 am and 11 pm from Monday to Friday, and 7 am to 10 pm on Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays.


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