
Prom Country tourist app

Prom Country app logo


iTunes store (iPhone)

Google Play (Android)

or use the App store feature on your mobile device itself and search for ‘Prom Country’.

Discover Prom Country with the official app for the South Gippsland region. Home to Wilsons Promontory National Park (the southernmost point of mainland Australia) and a vast array of attractions, walking tracks and beautiful landscapes, Prom Country is a nature-lover’s delight just waiting to be explored.

Swipe through to find:

  • Accommodation
  • Attractions
  • Walking/cycling trails
  • Shopping/dining
  • Events
  • Towns
  • Scenic drives

Use our what’s nearby feature or interactive map to pinpoint the location of interesting places near you. Learn about Wilsons Prom and find out what’s happening in our region.

Developed by Prom Country Regional Tourism (PCRT).


Ability to share page links with friends.
App can now be stored on SD card if supported by your device.