AT its Special Meeting last Wednesday Council resolved to appoint Kerryn Ellis as its new Chief Executive Officer for the next five years.
Ms Ellis is coming to South Gippsland Shire Council from her current role as Director Corporate Services at Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). Prior to working at IBAC Ms Ellis was Director Corporate Performance with the City of Greater Bendigo, and Manager Governance and Innovation at Knox City Council. She has also previously worked for the City of Melbourne and Bayside City Council.
Ms Ellis holds a Bachelor of Arts, a Master of Commerce and a Graduate Diploma of Public Policy and Management. She also completed the LGPro Emerging Leaders Program in 2005 and the Executive Leadership Program in 2016.
Council’s Chair Administrator, Julie Eisenbise said that Ms Ellis was the stand-out candidate.
“Kerryn’s appointment is a significant milestone for South Gippsland Shire Council. It is likely that we will make no bigger decision in our time as Administrators. We have worked diligently to ensure that we chose the best candidate to lead the organisation. Kerryn is that person.
“Fisher Leadership advertised the position extensively, attracting a field of 46 high-quality applicants. Fishers interviewed all applicants who demonstrated capacity to meet the key selection criteria. Interview reports for those applicants were provided to the CEO Employment and Remuneration Advisory Committee.
“The Committee reviewed all applications and interview reports. We then interviewed our eight preferred applicants. From there, four candidates were invited to a second interview with the Committee. After those interviews we identified two preferred candidates.
“Once Fishers had undertaken due diligence and reference checks we had a stand-out candidate in Kerryn. I sincerely congratulate her on the appointment and look forward to working with her,” said Ms Eisenbise.
Ms Ellis is very pleased to have been appointed Council’s Chief Executive Officer and is looking forward to leading the organisation into the future.
“I’m thrilled to be joining the team at South Gippsland Shire Council as CEO. I am keen to work with both the team and the community to ensure the organisation is able to meet the needs of a growing community whilst protecting and enhancing our unique natural assets.
“I look forward to leading the organisation and taking advantage of the opportunities presented by regional collaboration, strengthened customer focus, and community engagement and partnership,” said Ms Ellis.
Ms Ellis will commence her tenure at South Gippsland Shire Council on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Acting CEO Bryan Sword will go back to his job as Director of Development Services.
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