TO coincide with his milestone birthday last week, Foster Cemetery Trust took the opportunity to show Volunteer John Taylor their appreciation for his extraordinary contribution to the workings of the cemetery over many years! It has been a family affair for the Taylors; with John’s father Owen being a Trust Member for 32 years from 1951 to 1983; and wife Nola serving as Cemetery Secretary for 17 years between 1996 & 2014; and as a Trust Member currently.
John began volunteer service at the cemetery in about 1998; and was a Trust Member for 20 years between 1998 and 2018. He was employed as Grounds Curator between 2005 and 2012; but by far the greater proportion of his service has been on a voluntary basis. For all those years John has been heavily involved in the maintenance of the 11 acre grounds; and [often assisted by brother Les] employed his professional expertise to maintain and repair cemetery machinery. He is solely responsible for the process of interring Ashes; and also the fitting of plaques to graves and the cremorial. When you attend a funeral in the grounds and see the flag raised … it is John who has taken the time to ensure that’s done too – and to return later in the day to take it down. Occasionally unforeseen tasks arise, and John is always approachable and willing to assist in any way he can!
John is a quiet achiever; and things just get done! So, it’s an enormous vote of Thanks to John – from Cemetery Trusts past and present; and on behalf of our community – for all he has done; and continues to do on a regular basis!
Our small, country cemeteries are managed and maintained, almost entirely, by the services of volunteers; and an enormous amount of time and effort goes into ensuring this facility is preserved for our community into the future! We are actively looking for more volunteers to join our small group of willing workers – and have tasks suitable for all ability levels. Ph. 0402 000 758 for more information!
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