Who is this?

READERS who know the answer also know how much she has worked for our community in Corner Inlet.
This beautiful WAAF will be one of a Gallery of Women we will celebrate on March 6 at the Foster Secondary College, and March 8 at Prom Country Aged Care for International Women’s Day. Everyone is welcome.
Corner Inlet has seen many women spend their lives raising their families and working hard to improve the lives of everyone living here.
C.I. mothers, aunts, sisters,daughters and nieces organised themselves to raise funds, to support the schools, the emergency services, establish the kindergartens, the nursing and midwifery services, a hospital, an infant welfare centre, the library, shelter for the homeless, care for the aged.
In the past, and now the present, our womenfolk feed the firefighters (and fight the fires) they raise funds for the community bus (and drive it) set up a hall for the Girl Guides, and then run the programs. There is no way that any government could afford to pay these women for their contributions.
Their countless hours of voluntary work were not rewarded with salaries, but by seeing the necessary services set up and underpinning a happier and healthier community.
Some are well known, others never publicly acknowledged, nor expecting to be. The International Women’s Day events will give us an opportunity to remember some of the women of the past, and acknowledge some of the present day.
In line with these ideas the event on March 6th at the Secondary College gymnasium will feature a speaker from each of those time frames, and include a student in year l2 who will look to the future.
Organisers want to emphasise that this is only a first round, there are too many names to celebrate them all at once; and this should be the first of an annual celebration.
The formation of a Gallery of Women will be ongoing, and the organisers gratefully acknowledge the work of Ron Lagergren who has skilfully created the portraits. Our group has been invaluably assisted by the Toora and Foster Community Bendigo Bank and the South Gippsland Shire.
For further enquiries about the two events (March 6 and 8) please phone Jo MacKenzie on 5682 1673.
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