The Mirror News

Hoddle Flora Reserve discoveries

. Left to right Wendy, Marion, Gary, Julie, Anda, Ineke.

LAST Saturday, ecologist Tim Bowler guided an intrepid band of walkers through the Hoddle Range Flora Conservation Reserve. Tim has recently completed a Flora and Fauna Survey of the reserve for Prom Coast Ecolink and the tour took in many of the rare and threatened species he had identified.

This was a wonderful opportunity to take a peek inside the reserve, which is not usually open to the public, being landlocked without an access road. No designated paths or tracks inside the reserve either, so the route meandered following landforms and animal trails. It was fairly slow going, partly because of the ruggedness of the terrain, but mostly due to the fascinating botanical wonders at every turn. 

This tiny little pocket of Parks Vic land includes wooded gullies lush with treeferns, ancient messmates, thickets of grass trees and stretches of heathland. The soundtrack for the walk was birdsong and an occasional koala growl.

It was sobering to see the damage being caused by deer and goats in the reserve and Prom Coast Ecolink is currently working with Parks to monitor the feral problem, as a first step to controlling their numbers.

There will be another opportunity to visit this special spot on 28 October, at Prom Coast Ecolink’s Nature Journaling event.

Thank you to Lindsay Williams for access over his property and to Parks Vic for their collaboration and support through their Volunteering Innovations Fund.


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