If you have any kind of heart disorder, high or low blood pressure and/or elevated cholesterol – or if you are the carer of a family member has has, then you are most welcome to join us. We are a friendly, caring group of local people who support each other in the problems associated with heart disease. We have all found therapeutic benefit from the companionship and various activities.
We are supported by the local hospital and medical centre, and are privileged to have Dr David Iser, MBBS as our Patron.
Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at the South Gippslnd Community Health Centre in the Robert Fleming Room from 10.30 am to 1 pm. We enjoy a ‘bring and share’ morning tea at our ‘in-house’ meetings, which involve guest speakers related to every aspect of heart care. Alternate months we arrange outings ranging from Rail Trail walks or a relaxing BBQ – or even a cruise around Wilsons Prom.
95 Station Rd
Foster VIC 3960, Australia