The Mirror News

Have your say on shire economic, visitor strategies

SOUTH Gippsland residents and businesspeople are invited to have their say on South Gippsland Shire Council’s draft Economic Development and Visitor Economy Strategies by Wednesday July 7, 2021.

The Victorian Government-appointed administration panel acting as the council endorsed the two draft 2021 to 2031 strategies for public exhibition at the municipality’s additional virtual open meeting held on Wednesday June 23, 2021.

The council has developed the 22-page Economic Development Strategy and the 33-page Visitor Economy Strategy in consultation with their respective Advisory Groups appointed by the shire.

The members of the Economic Development Strategy Advisory Group are chair Ian Munro, Jenny O’Sullivan, Nicola Pero, Stephen Sully, Leigh Kennedy, Scott McArdle, and Stewart Carson.

Taking part in the Visitor Economy Strategy Advisory Group are chair Renae Hanvin, Dr Gabby Walters, Angela Moseley, Andrew Davies, Rhett McLaren, Greg Harrison, and Bridget Crowe.

A statement from the shire indicated that the work of the two advisory groups “has been supported by extensive consultation that ensured the community, including residents, visitors, and key stakeholders, could provide input to help define key themes and priorities in both strategies.”

The outlines of the draft Economic Development Strategy’s key themes are Attracting Investment, Enabling Infrastructure, Developing Key Industry Sectors, Building Partnerships, Increasing Capability, and Enhancing Towns and Main Streets.

This strategy seeks to ensure “prosperity through a thriving and diverse local economy that builds on our region’s natural advantages.”

The draft Visitor Economy Strategy’s main themes are Increasing Marketing and Promotion, Supporting Visitor Economy Infrastructure, Diversifying and Expanding Products and Experiences, Enhancing Visitor Servicing, and Building Partnerships and Providing Business Development and Support.

South Gippsland’s previous marketing phrase “Prom Country” has now been replaced by a new brand, “Gipps all kinds of Wonderland”, which will “allow the positioning of the region to move from ‘nature only’ to ‘nature plus’ including food, culture, events, and experiences.

The two documents also include Action Plans covering the next ten years that detail ongoing actions as well as identifying short-, medium- and long-term goals. 

South Gippsland Shire administration panel chair Julie Eisenbise was pleased to see the Economic Development and Visitor Economy Strategies advance.

“Council is thankful to have the Draft Economic Development and Visitor Economy Strategies progress to the next stage after a significant amount of work has been completed through community consultation and strategy development,” Ms Eisenbise said.

Both the Economic Development Strategy and the Visitor Economy Strategy are now available for public comment until Wednesday July 7, 2021.

The final strategies will then be considered for adoption at the next open council meeting to be held on Wednesday July 21, 2021.

Find the draft Economic Development Strategy and the draft Visitor Economy Strategy on the South Gippsland Shire Council’s website at


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