Foster Community Assoc.

Great plans for Foster Station Park

In February 2010 the Great Southern Rail Trail Committee of Management (GSRTCOM) asked the Foster Community Association (FCA) to prepare a plan for the development of the old Foster Railway Station precinct.

Over the last eighteen months Friends of Foster Station (a subcommittee of FCA and abbreviated to FOFS) have collected information in relation to the site, investigated community expectations, communicated with major stakeholders, discussed and reviewed potential development projects and prepared a Management Plan.

The investigations and evidence summarised in the document indicate that this public parcel of land on the edge of the Foster township can be developed to provide considerable value to the population of Foster and the wider Corner Inlet community. There is extensive public land available for organisations to establish facilities which will enrich the local communities in a range of ways that may have social, environmental as well as economic benefits.

Development of Foster Station Park (FSP) will aim to fulfil community expectations but it also fits well within the long term planning for Foster. The implementation of the Foster Station Park Management Plan will be included in the South Gippsland Shire Council (SGSC) ‘Integrated Community Planning’ process for Foster in 2011.

It is expected that development of this area will also attract additional visitors to the region, increasing use of the Rail Trail and ensuring that visitors return to Foster again in the future.

This report provides a framework and plan of action for the future.

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