Foster Medical Centre's busy reception
For medical emergencies call “000”
The clinic has been accredited by Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL)
One of this district’s great strengths is that we are blessed with excellent doctors and other dedicated medical professionals. Dr David Iser and his team at the Foster and Toora Medical Centres are regarded around Australia as beacons of excellence and they act as magnets to new doctors to the district.
The clinic is a highly regarded training practice & takes its role seriously. It currently hosts students from Melbourne & Monash Universities, and is a training practice with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners as well as the Australian College of Rural & Remote Medicine.
It has affiliations with the Australian Medical Association, Rural Doctors Association, & the South Gippsland Division of General Practice.
GP services include:
- General medical examinations
- Health assessments
- Care plans for people with complex care needds
- ECGs and Spirometry
- Full-time practice nurse
- Immunisations and travel advice
- Anaesthetics
- Surgery
- Obstetrics and gynaecology
- Palliative care
Visiting specialist services include:
- General physician/cardiologist (Dr Robert Ziffer)
- Endocrinologist (Dr Richard Dargaville)
- Gastroenterologist (Dr John Iser)
- Gynaecologists (Dr Elizabeth Farrell & Dr David Luiz)
- General Surgeon (Mr Andrew Janieson)
- Orhopaedics (Mr John Harris)
- Urologist (Mr Ranjut Rao)
Hospital services
All GPs have visiting rights to the South Gippsland Hospital. The Hospital has 16 acute beds as well as an operating theatre and delivery suite. In addition, it has a 3 bed emergency / outpatients department and local radiographer.
There are two operating lists per week, which include endoscopies, caesarian sections, general surgery and gynaecological surgery.
97 Station Rd
Foster VIC 3960, Australia
- Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm (Foster and Toora).
- Saturday 9.30 am – 12.30 pm (Foster only).
- Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed
Out of hours services
The Foster and Toora Medical Centres provide a comprehensive private 24-hour medical service 365 days a year.
If you require after hours medical attention, please call Foster Medical Centre on 03 5682 2088 all hours. From there you will be guided to the doctor on call. If a matter cannot be resolved over the phone than arrangements will be made to meet at a mutually convenient location. This is usually at the acute care clinic physically located adjacent South Gippsland Hospital.
We provide home visits 24 hours a day when justified (for example palliative care patients with advanced disease who wish to remain at home).
On weekends and most public holidays there is a dedicated practice nurse from 1pm to 9pm at South Gippsland Hospital. He or she is on site in the Acute Care Clinic and is there to assess and assist any patients who present for medical care and to call in the On-Call doctor where appropriate. This nurse is available on the phone 56 839 728 during these hours. If you call, you can discuss the urgency of your problem and when best to come and be seen.