The Mirror News

Cricket books available at FOCIL winter sale

BE ready to be knocked for a six by the line-up of books on what Don Bradman famously described as the “noble game” of cricket that will be available at the Friends of Corner Inlet Library’s (FOCIL) forthcoming book sale.

A Corner Inlet district resident and lifelong cricket fanatic has supplied some of their extensive cricket book collection to FOCIL’s winter 2024 sale to be held on Friday July 5 from 9 am to 4 pm and on Saturday July 6 between 9 am and 1 pm.

There are biographies and autobiographies of renowned cricketers from around the world, collections of cricket anecdotes and comedic moments, cricket skills and tips, and stacks of statistics, facts and almanacs, perhaps even a Wisden or two.

The biannual and increasingly popular FOCIL book sales are held every summer and winter, in January and July, in the main auditorium of the Foster War Memorial Arts Centre (FWMAC) in Main Street.

Another highlight of this year’s July sale are several sets of recently published novels, including Australian noir and a number of literary titles, that would be eminently suitable for smaller book clubs and for informal groups of reading friends.

Seasoned FOCIL book sale attendees already know they need to be early (i.e. waiting for the FWMAC’s doors to open at 9 am on the Friday!) to ensure getting the first pick of the latest new- and nearly-new-release fiction and non-fiction books.

Keen music lovers race in for the vinyl records and compact discs, film buffs go straight to the DVDs, and both young and old pounce on the jigsaws.

FOCIL book sale co-ordinator Liz Kindellan said that “thanks to the many really generous donations of books, magazines and other great ‘brainfood’ we’ve received since our January sale, this winter’s sale is guaranteed to be a real cracker!

“We’re rapidly running out of storage room at the moment, and all of the FOCIL members and volunteers are looking forward to seeing a lot of the books and other items we’ve got here going home with their happy new owners,” she said.

“Winter is always ideal for reading and for enjoying a puzzle or board game beside the fire or heater at home or inside the Foster Library, especially when it’s cold and wet outside.

“The Foster Library is part of Myli – My Community Library Ltd’s network of branches, which serves the communities of South Gippsland, Bass Coast, and Baw Baw Shires.

“FOCIL’s July book sale coincides with the start of the winter school holidays, and there really is no better opportunity to stock up on reading material for people of all ages at very little cost than at the sale,” Liz said.

“FOCIL was established in the early 1990s to support and raise funds for the mobile and later the static library in Foster, and the very first book sale held in the TP Taylor Hall at Sandy Point during the summer of 1993 made a total of $234.58,” she said.

“Since then, and including the proceeds from the January 2024 book sale, FOCIL has raised a total of $148,371 for the Foster Library, with all of the money going towards buying new books and equipment for the local community to enjoy and use.”

Liz said a great deal of work goes on behind the scenes of every book sale, including transporting, assessing and sorting the donations of books that people drop in to the Foster Library during the course of the year, in between the actual sales themselves.

“New members are always welcome to join our FOCIL group, and we’re especially keen for more volunteers to come and help set up the FWMAC hall before each sale and to pack up afterwards,” she said.

“If anyone has got some books they would like to donate to the FOCIL book sales, please take them to the Foster Library whenever it is open, and they’ll be gratefully accepted and included in this winter’s sale or the next one, in January 2025.”

For more information about the Friends of the Corner Inlet Library contact FOCIL’s book sale coordinator Liz Kindellan on 0448 256 193.

Find and join the Foster Library at or call in at the Library, near the corner of Main and McDonald Streets in Foster, telephone 5682 1735. This winter’s FOCIL book sale is on at the Foster War Memorial Arts Centre in Main Street on Friday and Saturday, July 5 and 6, 2024.


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