The Mirror News

Community-managed children’s centre provides same great services

FAMILIES are assured of the same high standard of service under the community not-for-profit committee of management, Prom Coast Centres for Children Inc. (PCCC), which took over the running of the childcare centre and kindergartens in Foster, Fish Creek, Toora and Welshpool this week.

Since becoming incorporated in March, the PCCC committee and its members have been working tirelessly on all aspects of the business transfer with UnitingCare Gippsland.

In addition, they have worked under tight timelines to secure all the appropriate licences, transfers and approvals through the Department of Education and Early Childhood.

It was a race to the management handover date of May 5 to ensure that there would be no interruption to childcare and kindergarten services for families living in the Prom Coast region.

The PCCC committee of management is made up of the following parents and community members who have committed to a two-year term of office: Wil Pruyn (Chair), Allison Drury (Vice Chair), Lucy Allsop (Secretary), Jessica Armstrong (Treasurer), Ralph Hubbert, Jo Healy, Geoff Cooling, Jill Throckmorton, Michelle Bacon and Wendy Bradbury (General Members).

The management committee continues to receive assistance and support from members of the steering committee, general PCCC members, South Gippsland Shire Council and others in the community.

“It is very rewarding to be leading a committee of professional and experienced community members who are all passionate about ensuring that the Prom Coast Centres for Children becomes a viable and successful business into the future,” said committee chair Wil Pruyn. “We have been meeting weekly (initially as a steering group) since January this year, and throughout every meeting there is always a great vibe of positivity and sense of achievement as we edged closer to taking on the business. It feels great to finally be here!”

She added, “The first two years of management will be critical for the committee in setting PCCC up for success into the future. It is important to demonstrate a commitment to the community, that we are here to work through the challenges that any organisation faces when setting up a business and that consistency in management will be vital.”

PCCC wants to reassure families that it is business as usual and they can continue to expect that the same high quality education and care service will continue to be delivered by the same experienced staff at all centres.

The committee welcomes and strongly encourages community members, and especially parents and family members using these services, to join PCCC and have a say in how these services are managed. The long-term success of the PCCC will rely on ongoing community commitment to the services it delivers. Membership forms can be obtained by contacting Lucy Allsop (secretary).

The committee of management will be hosting several informal information sessions next week to give families and community members an opportunity to meet committee members and ask any questions they have on the direction of PCCC. These sessions will be held at the following venues:

  • PCCC Fish Creek: Monday 12May 9.15am (before kinder session);
  • PCCC Welshpool: Tuesday 13May 9.00am (before kinder session);
  • PCCC Foster: Wednesday 14May 7.00pm (evening).

Please feel free to attend the session that suits you best, even if your child doesn’t attend that particular centre.

The committee welcomes any questions or queries on membership or its future direction from the community. You can email Wil Pruyn on [email protected] or Lucy Allsop on [email protected] or leave a message at the Foster Centre on 5683 9800.


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