Manna Gum Community House is a drop-off point for donations for urgently needed items to help animals affected by the Gippsland fires.
Here is what they need:
- Bowls
- Vet or pet store animal foods
- Parrot foods
- Duck crumble
- Di-Vetelact joey milk
- Kangaroo pellets
- Horse feed mix and chaffe
- Hay – oaten hay or chaff lucerne hay
- Bird seed/pellets
- Chicken feed
- Bandages
- Hand sanitizer
- Vetwrap
- Melonin
- Solosite gel
- Flamazine
- Betadine
- Syringes
- Saline
- Wound flushes
Please help these poor animals if you can, and drop off your donation(s) to MannaGum Community house on the corner of Station and Court Streets, Foster.
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