The Mirror News

BreastScreen van returns to Foster

BreastScreen Victoria’s eye-catching cyclamen pink van “Marjorie” is returning to Foster on Monday August 5, 2019 for a five-week-long visit to give free breast screens to women aged 40 and over from throughout the Corner Inlet district.

Marjorie will be parked outside the South Gippsland Hospital in Station Road Foster and will be offering her screening service until Tuesday September 6, 2019.

A free breast health and screening information session will also he held in the South Gippsland Community Health Centre’s RJ Fleming Room on Tuesday August 6, 2019 from 3 pm to 4.30 pm.

BreastScreen Victoria and South Gippsland Hospital health care professionals will talk about breast awareness and health, checking for signs and symptoms, the screening process and how to book an appointment.

Women of all ages who would like to come along to the information session are welcome, and are invited to RSVP to the Community Health Centre reception on 5683 9780 or email South Gippsland Hospital women’s health nurse Catherine Enter on  [email protected]

 BreastScreen Victoria CEO Vicki Pridmore said “breast screens can save lives as they are the best way to find cancer early, before there are symptoms and when treatment is most successful.

“A breast screen can find cancer as small as a grain of rice, long before a woman or her doctor can see or feel anything,” she said.

“I encourage all women aged 40 and over from Foster and surrounds to take advantage of the van’s visit to town.

“Marjorie is one of our two mobile screening service vans who travel the state throughout the year, and this visit to Foster has been organised to make sure women in this part of Victoria have access to a potentially life-saving breast screen,” Ms Pridmore said.

“The vans use the highest quality digital radiography machines to ensure that women receive the best service, regardless of their location.”

The BreastScreen van was last in Foster in 2017, and women who were screened then will be due for their next screen.

Women over 40 are eligible for free breast screens, and those aged between 50 and 74 should have a screen every two years.

All breast screens are with a female radiographer, in a friendly and safe environment.

They don’t need a doctor’s referral or Medicare card, and only take 10 minutes.

The BreastScreen van will be outside South Gippsland Hospital, 87 Station Rd, Foster from 5 August to 6 September 2019.Appointments can be made online at or by calling 13 20 50.


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