
Australia Day Awards – Nominations

Nominations for the 2020 South Gippsland Australia Day Awards are now open. The awards are a great way:

  • To recognise people that go above and beyond in our community and
  • Celebrate the events that help make South Gippsland a great place to live.

All nominees will be recognised at the Awards Ceremony on Wednesday 15 January 2020 at Memorial Hall, Leongatha. Eveyone is invited to join in the celebrations which will commence at 7.00pm. Musical entertainment and a light supper will be provided. Nominations close 31 October, 2019.

  • To recognise people that go above and beyond in our community and
  • Celebrate the events that help make South Gippsland a great place to live.

Citizen of the Year

Event of the Year

Young Citizen of the Year/Youth Community Contribution


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