Venus Bay Community Centre, Foster Chamber of Commerce, Leongatha Business Association, Mirboo Country Development Inc. and Mirboo North Times, and Korumburra Round Table invite the South Gippsland Community to attend Candidate Forums in your ward.
All forums have moved online due to venue limitations, and they will each begin at 7:00pm.
The dates for each forum are as follows:
- Tuesday, October 5th, Coastal – Promontory Ward
- Wednesday, October 6th, Strzelecki Ward
- Thursday, October 7th, Tarwin Valley Ward
All Council Candidates have been invited to present a short speech, followed by an audience Q&A.
Community members have the opportunity to submit questions to individuals or general questions for all candidates. Facilitators will endeavour to cover as many audience questions as possible.
Forums will be facilitated by global consultant, strategic thinker, and Yanakie local, Colin Pidd; as well as educational leader and writer from Foster, Jen Young. They will be joined at the Tarwin Valley ward forum by experienced facilitator and leadership coach, Jeanette White.
The South Gippsland community is looking forward to hearing from all candidates in this positive, respectful online forum.
To attend, go to www.zoom.us, click join meeting and add the following Zoom meeting ID and passcode.
- Meeting ID: 931 8058 5693
- Passcode: r8JkSc
All forums will be recorded and made available to view after the event. Please ensure your full name and video is displayed when online.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
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