As you can see we have some new dog school dates. If you are interested in hosting a Dog School please let us know. We are planning on going to Tasmania in September but haven’t finalised the details yet. Keep an eye on our website or facebook page to keep up to date We are very excited with our new facility and have used it many times already, even though it is not quite finished. At the trials the building was opened by Joe Spicer. (We still need corrugated iron sheets with a minimum length of 2.4 meters!)
Since about one year we have had many visits from GippsTAFE. Students doing an animal handling course are coming to Beloka Kelpie Stud and learn all about dogs/kelpies. They can choose a kelpie and look after it for the day, do obedience training, work it on sheep and get some theory about dogs in general. A few comments we received: “I enjoy being around the dogs and love seeing the results of training them”, “I learned all about how dogs are trained around sheep and I loved patting the puppies” and “It is great to have a dog for the day and work with that dog.” It has turned out a great success and some students keep coming back every week to do work placement.