The Mirror News

Book-lovers surge

A SURGE of 70 eager book-lovers crowded through the doors of Foster War Memorial Arts Centre Hall last Friday morning when Friends of Corner Inlet Libraries (FOCIL) opened the doors to their renowned book sale at 9.30am.

Boxes, bags, arms and prams were quickly filled and the volunteers were only able to catch their breath some 60 minutes later when the crush had subsided to a more leisurely though steady flow of bargain hunters circulating the extensive the offerings of books, magazines and audio visuals.

With a $3,050 profit raised, the result is the best ever yet for a FOCIL winter sale, which is always a little quieter than the annual summer book sale when tourists add to the throng of buyers.

FOCIL spokesperson Christine Wooller strongly urged locals to drop off suggestions for purchases of specific books, DVDs and even magazine subscriptions at Foster Library and South Coast Mobile Library.

“The money is best directed to purchase of titles and authors we know locals want to read!” she said.

Unwanted books, magazines and audio-visuals can be left at the libraries during opening hours as stock for the summer book sale.


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