The Mirror News

Bonzer book sale

BOTH new and well-read books will be laid out for bargain hunters on a hall full of trestle tables at the traditionally bonzer summer book sale held by Friends of Corner Inlet Libraries.

Open on Friday January 7 from 9.00am until 4.30pm and again on Saturday January 8 from 9.00am until 1.30pm at Foster War Memorial Arts Centre Hall, this is always a really big event.

Come prepared by bringing boxes, bags and baskets along and don’t be surprised at a little friendly crowd jostling if you line up for Friday’s opening!

Don’t despair if you can’t be there early as more material gets brought in regularly by a crew of hardworking volunteers throughout the sale to fill gaps in the supply.

So it is definitely worth dropping in whenever you can make it.

As well as books, the sale has magazines and audio visual items.

This is also quite a social event as book lovers can’t resist chatting with each other though there are some who browse in a deeply solemn concentration.

Funds raised by the book sale is used to buy new books, audio visuals and equipment for Foster Library and South Coast Mobile Library, so you’re supporting a great cause – as well as recycling – by joining in.


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