The Mirror News

Agnes Falls on Council agenda

ENTHUSIASTIC lobbying by residents of the Toora area, led by Kathy Whelan, could see Agnes Falls becoming a major tourist attraction.

At their Ordinary Meeting today (2pm, Wednesday May 23) South Gippsland Shire Councillors will consider including the Agnes Falls Scenic Reserve Feasibility Study and Master Plan in the Corner Inlet Tourism Development Project. The move has the support of Parks Victoria, which manages Agnes Falls.

Inclusion in the Project, to which Council has allocated $2.1 million with the aim of securing government grants for these priority projects, would increase the chances of Agnes Falls securing funding to become the “major drawcard” Kathy Whelan and fellow project group members Di Walker and Pat Doran believe it should be.

“The falls are spectacular in winter after rain, but even in summer they are definitely worth an outing, especially on days when it is too cold to go to the beach,” said Ms Whelan.

She said she has been lobbying for the last 15 years for more work to be done at the falls. Interpretive signage has been installed, walking tracks in the area improved, and Council and VicRoads have undertaken minor signage improvements from the South Gippsland highway, but Ms Whelan believes lots more could be done “and it would help the economy of the whole shire”.

Tourism improvements suggested for the site include: improved walking tracks and additional viewing platforms so the falls can be viewed in their full glory; swing bridge (similar to that at Tarra Bulga National Park); new interpretive signage such as indigenous cultural information; and nature-based adventure tourism activities.

Inclusion in the Corner Inlet Tourism Development Project is seen as the first step.


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